Alexis Isabella Lavallee

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 31, 2010

Our Lady Peace

The concert was a ton of fun despite the fact that I didn't know any of their songs. The venue was gorgeous and we had amazing seats. It was a fabulous evening. I haven't seen Mark have such a good time at a concert before. He was really digging EVERYTHING!

Victoria, B.C

Last weekend we took a trip to Victoria, B.C. to see Our Lady Peace. This is a Canadian band that has had some hits on U.S. radio but is HUGE in Canada. Anyway, Mark really likes this band and wanted to see them since they would be soooo close. I was looking forward to a break from this craziness that has been our life recently so win-win. Yay long weekend!!

Mark upgraded our room to a beautiful suite which was a wonderful surprise. And this was the view from our balcony. This is looking at their government building and you can see the ocean in the background.

This is the Empress Hotel. It's a Victoria landmark and has quite the history. Every afternoon they have an afternoon tea event with pastries and there is a dress code. These people are serious about thier tea.

I didn't know it but that weekend there were many events happening around town and that Saturday was Victoria Day so all of the boats in the harbor were decorated in celebration.

This ship was one of a kind. Made me think of pirates so of course I needed a picture.

Who knew Darth Vador played the violin?

Mark and Darth.

We had a wonderful time and the weather couldn't have been better. I got hungry in the afternoon so we got a hot dog from a street vendor. Something I NEVER thought I'd do because of how germaphobic I am but it was very yummy. The baby gave it 2 thumbs up. :)
BTW...we saw a couple of killer whales on our way back home but it's difficult to see them in the pictures.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

First Baby Bump Pic

I made Mark take a picture of my baby bump this afternoon so that my mother can see I'm going to be even bigger than she was with me. I apologize ahead of time for the blurriness and the fact that I look like I'm in mid stride. This was the best photo out of the 3 he took.

13 wks 6 days

Saturday, May 8, 2010

First Baby Pics & Bras

We had our first ultrasound on Wednesday (5/5/10) and got to see our little person for the first time!! It was soooo exciting. I was grinning from ear to ear and Mark was having a hard time trying not to cry. The doc had some difficulty getting close enough to the baby so he had to go another route (if you know what I mean) and the kid still wasn't having it. Sound like anyone you know? =) Everytime the doc got close the baby, it would move away. It's definitely an active one and I can't imagine what I'll do when I can actually start feeling the movement. Exciting and scary at the same time.

In other news, I went to the Maternity store today to pick up some capri's and some new bras. Well, the lady measured me and I've gone from a 38F to a 38I in one month. WTF?!?!?! I about died the first time I got measured and now I don't know where I'm supposed to buy my nursing bras. The lady was kind enough to give me the number of a woman in Tacoma who custom makes nursing bras for pretty cheap so I'll have to give that a try. Fingers crossed that I can get some relief soon.

Anyways...some of the ultrasound pics are included below for your enjoyment. I'd include a baby bump pic, but there's really nothing to see and since I HATE having my picture taken anyway I thought I'd wait until there was something for you to look at.
Our Little Peanut
Peanut Profile
The baby was moving all about and here we caught it rolling over. I was amazed at the fact that it looked just like a little person yet the baby is only 2.25".
This was my FAVORITE picture. I actually teared up a bit. I LOVE those little baby feet!!!