Alexis Isabella Lavallee

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I went to a spin class first in like 3 years YIKES!!!...but I totally kicked ass. I don't think I'll be able to walk or go to the bathroom for at least a week but talk about major calorie burn. I always feel so accomplished when I work out and should do it more.

I admit that I went in completely dreading it because I know how intense those classes are and just how out of shape I am so the fact that I was able to keep up, even on the jumps, put me on cloud nine!!

I quickly made friends (no surprise there) and my new spinning BFF is James. He's been spinning since January and has lost 60 pounds!! Go James!! However, I will need to teach James moderation. Apparently this was his 2nd spin class today...yeah, you read that right...his 2nd.

Right now my boys are trying to make me feel better and I think Chase is losing his mind. He's in the chair with me just staring at our couch growling. His hair is standing up and everything!! Too funny!! Maybe he's trying to tell us to get a new one.

1 comment:

Sylvia - Mommy said...

Well good for you!!! I hate spinning!! lol I'd rather run my butt off on the treadmill for half an hour.

BUT YAY!!! I started working out too, feels awesome huh?