So Mark and I decided we needed to get a visit in to the zoo before the weather turned. It was really great except there was this one kid that no matter where we went he was there too...screaming at the top of his lungs.
Our first stop was the gorillas. The keepers were tossing pumpkins and bananas into their dwelling. They weren't interested in the pumpkins but there was one gorilla that kept throwing bananas at another gorilla who decided not to retaliate but eat them instead.
Here she is looking at the Gorilla throwing the bananas at her...
And here she is eating one of the bananas.
Side note: Blogger is running SUPER SLOW so I'll keep the pics at a minimum. But back to the wildlife. Out of all the areas we visited we only found one animal that was interested in the pumpkin in his dwelling...the wild dog.
And my favorite. I called her Molly Bear. I'm sure that wasn't her real name but that's what I called her. She was totally playing to the camera. She looks like a Molly right?
Molly saying hello.
And Molly saying goodbye due to that screaming kid.
We really did have a great time. The weather was perfect and so were all the amazing fall colors. The only thing I wish we could have seen was the wolves but we'll probably drive down to the sanctuary in Olympia and get our fill there.